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Spyglass Wellness



Are Hemp CBD products legal in the USA? CBD extracted from industrial hemp IS federally legal. All of the products we sell are federally compliant, although we do advise being extra diligent and double checking with local authorities and researching current legislation in your area. What is CBD and how does it work? CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, the most prominent naturally occurring cannabinoid component found in hemp, and can comprise 20% or more of the hemp plant. CBD is devoid of any psychoactive effects. CBD and other cannabinoids naturally interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which which plays a crucial role in regulating our physiology, mood, and everyday experience. For more information, please see our Research Library. What are "Minor Cannabinoids"? Although CBD (or CBD-A) is the most prominent or "major" cannabinoid found in hemp, the cannabis sativa plant contains a complex and little understood variety of "minor" cannabinoids. Each of these special compounds interact with our body and endocannabinoid system differently. Our Oil Barrel™ and DeltaC™products contain many of these minor cannabinoids such as THCV, CBDV, CBG, CBC, D8THC, CBN, and CBDA. Are CBD and THC the same thing? No, they are different compounds. CBD and THC are both cannabinoids, but THC produces psychoactive effects causing a drugged symptom commonly known as a “high”. Although all CBD extractions will contain some THC, our CBD hemp plants are selected, cultivated and processed to minimize THC content in our Non-detectable products to 0%. These products are devoid of psychoactive effects. How is hemp different from marijuana? Both are Cannabis sativa plants, however, the level of THC and other important compounds differ. Marijuana has been bred to achieve high levels of THC for its psychoactive effects. Hemp grown for medical use is cultivated and processed to extract CBD and other cannabinoids with the lowest possible level of THC. Will this appear on a THC drug test? Isolate based CBD will not appear on a THC drug screen. CBD is not illegal and should not trigger a THC drug screen. Our CBD isolate product contains NO DETECTABLE THC, and therefore should not trigger a cannabis-related drug test reaction. When using Full-Spectrum products, the trace amounts of THC in the product may show as a positive test result. If you are concerned about testing positive on a THC screening, PLEASE TAKE CAUTION WHEN CONSUMING FULL SPECTRUM. Do you sell wholesale? Yes! Please apply for wholesale here for more information on wholesale purchases.


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